Friday, April 3, 2015


Select a place where you'll fly the drone. Away from humans and other animals. A large public park is a good place. Check the park rules. All my parks do NOT prohibit drones. This may change in the future. DO NOT fly on concrete. Do NOT fly near housing, trees, people and cars. Place the drone on the grass or on top of the flight case if you use one. The park grass will absorb the shock when you crash. And you WILL crash the drone most of the time. Everybody does.  Expect it. Allow for it. It will happen. Ignore crashes. You job now is to learn to fly before you ruin the drone. You can do this. Even with crashing.

Position the front of the drone with it's 'nose' or front (usually the end with white rotors or red stripes (DJI), other markings, etc, towards the largest open area of the park and THIS IS IMPORTANT - face it "into the wind". Into the wind means the wind is coming towards you hitting front of the drone. All pilots refer to this as a "headwind". Always take-off into a headwind. It's easier, it's safer and its the correct way to learn to fly. Is it possible to take off with a tailwind? Yes, if you are an experienced pilot. Right now you are a student. Take-off into headwinds, only. If there is NO wind, that is the wind is "calm", any direction is ok. If you loose control after takeoff, there will be plenty of grass to crash onto :)

Pull out a few blades of grass and toss them in the air. If there is any wind, the grass will float downwind - away from you and the drone. Why all the fuss about "stand behind, check the wind, take off into the wind etc? Simple. By standing behind the drone and taking off into the wind, the controls are "normal. Right stick pushed right sends the drone - right. Left stick to left send drone leftward, etc. The wind (if any) tends to push the drone back to you. If you let go of the right stick the drone will usually fly backwards to you. There are other ways to fly. You'll learn them all in time. But for now... do it this way. This is initially how ALL pilots learn. All pilots.

Insert a freshly charged battery charged to 4.2 volts or whatever the correct voltage is for the drone you are about to fly. The drone battery should be hooked up now. Most small drones have the same general directions of 1) when to insert battery, 2) when to bind the transmitter, etc. Usually a LED light on the front of the drone will flash indicating the drone has power and is "taking to the transmitter. Not all drones will show a lit LED. Some will just beep. You may hear beeping from both transmitter and drone and/or see flashing lights. Be sure you understand what the drone is telling you. Consult the Owners Manual. No manual? Go to the intertubes, search for "drone manual" or "drone user guide". Read the instructions. Read again.  Not sure? Get a different manual.

Stand back, behind the drone about 6-10 feet. Orient yourself so that you are facing the same direction (inline) as the drone is from behind - NOT in front or off to any side. You are going to practice "take offs" and landings. And crashes :(  Check the wind. Wind can change at any time and it does NOT give prior notice. Wind has picked up? Tree branches moving? Stop. Go home.

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