Saturday, April 18, 2015


The cover has 4 attach points.  To remove the top cover push aside the plastic tabs, doing one arm at a time. When all 4 are loose, peel up the white tape holding down the wires going to the front LED.

Remove the cover. I then remove the 4 screws holding down the 2 rows on LED lights underneath the drone. With the 4 screws off, I removed the dust plate also.

With the cover off, your can pull the LED power plugs from the mother board sockets. Always do just -1- wire at a time. You won't mix any up. I use a small pair of hemostats like these:

I didn't buy from Amazon, though. I got a set of 3 - small, medium and large at a flea market. I remember they were about $10.00 for the set.

Follow the wires from the LEDs to see where it plugs into the motherboard (MOBO). I left the front LED and all the motor LEDs in place. The front, white LED is the most helpful. The other LEDs, not so much.

I removed each set of motor/LED wires 1 by 1 and wound them around the motor support arm. This put the wires further away from the receivers antenna.

I rerouted the main battery power lead until it was just a little longer than necessary to connect to the battery. See picture. I used a small twist ties then cut it short leaving a stub of about 2-3 turns.

I put superglue on the turns to keep it from untwisting. I rerouted the Mobo power leads such that the battery, once slipped into place, would pull directly against the battery connector with just a little slack. 

I have crashed the drone more than a few time. Twice the battery has popped out. Nothing damaged.

The connectors on the batteries are JST style. There are NOT meant to be used repeatedly. So, I sanded the battery plugs with a diamond nail file. You could use sandpaper or another file.

The diamond file takes off only a little material so multiple strokes are necessary. I trimmed the locking portion of the plug until it was NO longer a tight fit.

JST connectors  are meant to hold tight - really tight. Not good if you are going to insert and remove every 5-9 minutes :(  File the plug slightly, check the fit.

File again as necessary until there is still some resistance to the two connector coming together, but no so much that the plug hardly makes a connection.

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