Friday, April 3, 2015


With the left lever full back and not touching the right level, turn on the transmitter. You will hear a beep. This is the transmitter telling you it is powered up and "talking" to the drone's receiver. Push the left lever full forward fast and quickly return it to full back position.

You should hear another beep, maybe a double beep. At this time, you transmitter may have a "mode switch" - usually a button. It may be marked as "Beginner/Advanced" mode or similar. 

On my UDI U818A, it says:

      MODE 1 (low speed, suitable for learner)
      MODE 2 (high speed, suitable for veteran). 
I know - Chinglish :)

Pressing the button once will select "advanced mode" or some other description. Pressing again will return to default mode. In effect what it does is to allow the drone to effectively make quicker flight input changes and these changes usually result in improved response including more flight control. 

Since you are flying without wind, you can leave it on default. There really isn't a "beginner's or learner mode". It's more like normal or quick acting. When you fly with ANY wind, you MUST use the advanced mode (MODE 2). If the winds picks up and you notice the drone is becoming unresponsive, try the other mode.

The double beep is the transmitter saying it is synched to the receiver and is ready to fly.

"If I get into trouble, I will pull at least half way back on the left stick from wherever it is". This is you 1st safety response if you loose control. If you think the drone is getting "the best of you" or your are NOT really sure, you are "in trouble".

Land the drone - now. First, get it lower so the crash does little or no damage. Try for a landing by slowly reducing the throttle. Not too quick. Less is better. Let the drone descend, slowly. The higher it is when it comes down the more likely a rotor may be broken. No problemo. You got spare blades, right?

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